Tawawa on Monday
The anime follows a salaryman who has a chance meeting with a girl named Ai on the train. They begin to meet every Monday on the train, with the man serving as her bodyguard on the crowded commute while they chat.
First Release: Oct 10, 2016
Duration: 5m
Genres: Animation, Comedy
Country: Japan
Season 1 Full Episode List
1. Tawawa on Monday2. A Reliable Yet Clumsy Junior3. Tawawa Sports4. Angel of Blue Monday5. Ai and the Pivotal Check-Up6. The Not-so-invulnerable Junior7. Ai and Her Summer Memory8. Most Effective Sedative9. Ai-chan and the Bakery Uniform10. Ai-chan and the Marathon Battle11. Recalling with Regret How He Completely Missed Seeing Her in Her Adolescence12. Ai-chan and the Stairs to Adulthood