The Inbetweeners
Those who remember the awkward years of adolescence can relive those painful days in this British comedy series, where the cringe-inducing humor arises from the ill-fated antics of its four protagonists. Suburban teenage friends Will, Simon, Jay and Neil, students at Rudge Park Comprehensive, attempt to navigate the social scene, attract members of the gentler sex, and saunter among the cool crowd. However, despite their best efforts, the four hapless lads usually end up on the side of the nerds.
First Release: May 01, 2008
Duration: 25m
Genres: Comedy
Episodes: 6
Actors: James Buckley, Simon Bird, Emily Head, Joe Thomas, Blake Harrison, Belinda Stewart-Wilson, Greg Davies, Dominic Applewhite, Henry Lloyd-Hughes, Martin Trenaman
Director: Damon Beesley, Iain Morris
IMDb: 7.6/10